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Featured Projects

Apple Valley Projects

Apple Valley Desert Water Reuse Project

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 6500 Lineal Feet of New Recycled Water Main running from a 362,000 Gallon Bolted Steel Water Tank and a 245,000 Gallon Bolted Steel Water Tank being pushed by three Booster Pumps pushing out an average of 3500 RPM from Motors up to 40 HP in order to convert the source of irrigation water at four locations from potable water to reclaimed water from the Apple Valley Water Reclamation Plant and retrofitting the existing irrigation system at each site to utilize reclaimed water.  Irrigating with reclaimed water will reduce the use of potable groundwater and the demand on the stressed Mojave River Groundwater Basin at Lenny Brewster, Civic Center, and Thunderbird Parks in Apple Valley, Ca.

Consisting of Constructing Improvements including street widening, Approximately 3,600 Lineal Feet of curb and gutter, 160,000 Square Feet of sidewalks, 23 ADA ramps, and high visibility crosswalks.  In addition, the Class I bike path connecting Apple Valley High School to Tussing Ranch Road and from Navajo Road to Mendel Road in Apple Valley, Ca. Due to an Active Transportation Program grant in order to design and construct improvements to improve mobility to the Mariana Academy, Sandia Academy, and Apple Valley High School. 

Apple Valley South Safe Routes to School Project

Adelanto Projects

Pearmain Street Sewer Relief Project

Consisting of constructing approximately 9,150 Lineal Feet of New 21, 18, & 15 Inch Sewer Main running down Pearmain Street in Adelanto, Ca including 30 New Sewer Manholes, & over 60,000 Square Feet of Asphalt Pavement Resurfacing in order to Improve Sewage Distribution.

White Ave Storm Drain & Water Improvements

Consisting of  2,650 LF of water main replacement, 1100 LF of 24" storm drain system construction, removal of existing asphalt concrete pavement, aggregate base, subgrade, PCC curb access ramps, sidewalks, trees and reconstruction subgrade, aggregate base, asphalt concrete base pavement and asphalt concrete pavement overlay, street restriping, PCC curb access ramp and spandrel and retention basin construction. 

EMWD Projects

Hutchinson St Water Main Install Phase 2 Project
Myers St Recycled Water Crossing Project

Consisting of approximately 240 Lineal Feet of Directional Drilling with fusible PVC in order to facilitate the dispersion of Recycled Water throughout this area in Hemet, Ca.

Indian Street Water Improvement Project

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 1500 Lineal Feet of New Water Main running down Indian Street Moreno Valley and Adjustments to over 30 Residential Water Service Laterals with nearly 40,000 Square Feet of Road Resurfacing in order to Improve Water Distribution in the City of Moreno Valley.  

Golden State Water Projects

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 1800 Lineal Feet of New Water Main running down Main Street Barstow and Adjustments to over 50 Commercial and Residential Water Service Laterals with nearly 100,000 Square Feet of Road Resurfacing in order to Improve Water Distribution in the City of Barstow.  

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 6000 Lineal Feet of New Water Main Running down Main St Barstow and Adjustments to over 100 Commercial and Residential Water Service Laterals with nearly 160,000 Square Feet of Road Resurfacing in order to Improve Water Distribution in the City of Barstow.  

Irwin Reservoir Transmission Pipeline and Tank

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 5800 Lineal Feet of 16 inch Ductile Iron Mainline Complete with 8 New Fire Hydrants Along Irwin Road and a New 1.5 Million Gallon Steel Water Tank with New Solar Powered SCADA System in order to Improve Water Distribution in the City of Barstow.  

Park Drive Area Main Replacement Project

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 700 LF of New Water Main including 100 across Highway 2 following all DOT requirements. This project also included the rerouting of approximately 40 house water service lines in various locations in Wrightwood, Ca.

Imperial Drive Water Main Replacement
Sycamore Drive Area Main Replacement Project

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 1900 LF of new 16", 12", 10". and 8" Water Main. 8 Utility Inverts. The project also included the removal of contaminated soil and Asphalt and Concrete paving down Imperial Hwy in Whittier, Ca.

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 500 LF of new 12" Water Main including nearly 200 LF of Jack and Bore installation. Also including new Asphalt paving and the reconnection of 3 House laterals in the city of Simi Valley, Ca.

Main St 5th to Yucca Water Main Install Project
Hutchinson Street Water Main Install Project

Hesperia Projects

Hesperia Commerce Caliente Road Improvements

Consisting of Removing and Replacing approximately 367,000 SF of various thicknesses of asphalt pavement and replace with 12-inches of aggregate base under new base and cap paving in the city of Hesperia, Ca.

Los Angeles County Projects

Avenue K Transmission Main Phase IV Project

Consisting of constructing approximately 5,350 linear feet of 24-inch diameter steel transmission main and the performance of other appurtenant work, and Approximately 65,000 SF of Asphalt Paving in Lancaster, Ca.

Consisting of constructing approximately 1,510 linear feet of 30-inch diameter Cement Mortar Lined steel transmission main and the performance of other appurtenant work, and Approximately 24,362 SF of Asphalt Paving in Pacific Palisades, Ca.

Malibu Branch Feeder 30-Inch Realignment Project
Nevada Ave & Bodger St Sewer Replacement & St Improvements

Consisting of constructing approximately 6,200 linear feet of 8-inch diameter Gravity Sewer Main, Nearly 50 New Concrete Manholes, and the performance of other appurtenance work through over 135 homes, with the addition of nearly 50 new ADA ramps, Approximately 1100 SF of New Sidewalk, 15,000+ Lineal Feet of New Gutter, and Approximately 500,000+ SF of Asphalt Paving Overlay in El Monte, Ca.

Needles Projects

Needles First Year Pavement Phase 2 Project

Consisting of Removing and Replacing approximately 340,000 Sf of various thicknesses of asphalt pavement and replace with 1-1 /2 or 2" Asphalt Pavement including Petromat. Approximately  30,000 SF of Concrete Removal, 2500 SF of R&R 6" Asphalt, 700 LF of Curb and Gutter, 1100 SF of Sidewalk, and 14 ADA Ramps in various locations located in Needles, Ca.

Ontario Projects

Bon View Ave Storm Drain Project

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 1,500 Lineal Feet of New Vitrified Clay Sewer Line ranging from 8 inches to 21 inches with 7 New City Sewer Manholes, and Over 20,000 Square Feet of Road Resurfacing in order to Improve the Flow of Sewer for the Commercial Properties in the vicinity located in Central Ontario, Ca.

Consisting of Constructing Approximately 4,300 Lineal Feet of New Concrete Reinforced Storm Drain ranging from 18 inches to 78 inches including trench repair, construction of 16 New Storm Water Catch Basins with local depressions, 11 New City Manholes, 4 Junction Structures, connector pipe screen (CPS) units, over 50 Residential Water Service Laterals, Removals, and Over 100,000 Square Feet of Road Resurfacing in order to Improve the Drainage of Storm Water in Central Ontario, Ca.

Ontario Industrial Offsite Sewer Project

San Bernardino County Projects

Fawnskin Vacuum Sewer Main Replacement

One of only 3 such Sewer systems in the world consisting of approximately 2,000 LF of 6" Sewer Main with 600 LF of 3" Sewer Laterals connecting 15 trunk lines servicing numerous properties in the Fawnskin, Ca area.

Victorville Projects

Sewer Capacity Improvements C1 Project

Consisting of replacing approximately 3,022 lineal feet of existing 10-inch vitrified clay pipe with 15-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC SDR-35) pipe. Including excavation, trench bracing, shoring, removal, construction, and reconnection of new sewer pipes to existing manholes, rechanneling manhole bases along with installing a casing around the pipe under the existing City-owned railroad track without interrupting the operation using Jack & Bore method all located on Nisqualli Rd in Victorville, Ca.

Yucaipa Projects

Yucaipa Roundabouts Project

Consisting of Constructing Single-Lane Roundabouts, Approximately 6,400 Lineal Feet of concrete curb and gutter, Approximately 8,700 Square Feet of Concrete Driveway Approaches, 13,200 Square Feet of Sidewalk, Over 20 ADA Curb Ramps, Over 50,000 Square Feet of Asphalt Pavement Road Restorations, Private Property Improvements, Grading, drainage, and Approximately 1,500 Lineal Feet of New Storm Drain Improvements ranging from 18 inches to 42 inches with 9 New Storm Water Catch Basins, 7 New City Manholes and the Replacement of multi-way stops at 2 intersections with a single lane roundabout while Widening the Street in order to Improve the Drainage of Storm Water and Improve the Commute through Upper Yucaipa, Ca. 

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